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The Workers Lab is the National Home for Worker-Centered Innovation.  We invest in new ideas for and with workers.

We Believe In:

Proximity to Workers 
Investments in innovation for workers should meet workers where they are, and acknowledge who they are.
That’s why our team is a majority of first-generation, queer, people of color, and why our investments are made largely in leaders of color and women. 

Innovation for Workers 
Innovation should be used to introduce or transform ideas that ensure all workers are safe, healthy, secure, and have power.

Innovation by Workers 
Any and all innovation for workers should be driven by workers. Period. 

Inclusion of Workers
Labor laws, rights, and protections should include and extend to all workers everywhere.

Power for Workers
Everyday working people should be the primary drivers of economics, politics, and culture in our society.

Innovation Fund

We invest in a national network of leaders (i.e., innovators and entrepreneurs) to test new ideas, learn from them, and share those learnings with the field.

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Design Sprints

Through our Design Sprints methodology we move quickly to leverage our understanding of worker challenges, convene our extensive network, and then collaborate to create a solution we can integrate and test with workers.

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We Want to Learn About Your Ideas!

Do you have a new idea that can address challenges being faced by workers? We are looking for new ideas from people like you. We especially welcome underrepresented innovators, including entrepreneurs of color, women, and LGBTQ+ founders to apply for the Innovation Fund or pitch your idea for our next investment cycle. Submit your ideas here.



Our donors understand the power of promising new ideas, and they value our focus on innovation, our willingness to take risks, and our ability to forge partnerships across sectors. Together, we are transforming the landscape for workers.

Learn more and join our supporter network today!

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The Workers Lab serves as a vehicle for the entire field of worker advocates to collaborate, explore, and experiment with new ideas for workers.

From our unique position as a convener of unlikely allies, and as an organization led by majority first-generation, queer, people of color, we have a critical perspective and insights on the future of work and what workers need.

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